Cast : Jonathan Rhys meyer, Scarlett Johansson [ How can I forget this name :) ]
Directed by : Woody Allen.
The best aspect in Hollywood is it's variety. Every writer or Director attracts me for different reasons. One such impressive Director is Woody Allen. Woody Allen started his career as a comedy writer, stand-up comedian, stage plays and then came to cinema. He is famous for his interests in wits, sexuality, New York, Philosophy, Psychology, unimaginable cinema techniques and lengthy dialogues [ walk the talk ! ], etc.,
The film deals with 3 elements.
Luck : [ defined as 'Preparation meets opportunity' ] The film says we are scared to face the reality; about the influence of luck in our life.
Attraction : We get attracted towards for an unreachable item [ Once, BSA SLR cycle was the ultimate attraction for me ! ]. This film also deals with how attraction ignites, burns and become ashes. [ Adade ! ]
Fyodor Dostoevsky : The famous Russian literature 'crime and punishment' also influenced the story. Post crime psychology.
Plot :
The story involves a one time Irish tennis pro Chris [ poor class], who coaches in a tennis club. He is attracted towards the rich life style of the upper class. He meets his old friend Tom and also subsequently his family. He mingles with the family easily and Tom's sister Chloe is attracted towards Chris. Chris.. to an extent yes. He is more towards risky n something unreachable . He eyes on the fiancee of Tom (Nola). She is also attracted towards Chris but plays it cool saying him that she is already engaged. This dangerous chemistry grows. Due to some conflicts, Tom and Nola break their relation; Nola leaves. Tom gets married to some other girl.
Chris is happily married to Chloe and settles with his in-laws business, enjoys the new wealthy life. He couldn't have children because of some medical issues of Chloe. Fate plays a game. Nola returns to the same town [ Cotton bale to Sivakasi :) ]. Chris rebuilds the relation. Passion always has its price. What price did Chris and Nola pay ? What does the title 'Match point' do with this film ? There happens a CRIME !
View :
The very first point is this is not the usual Woody Allen film. Unlike Manhattan and Annie hall, MP doesn't contain any kind of wits that he had in his earlier movies rather he handled psychology to a great extent. Also, this movie is not based on Manhattan, NY.
The casting has to be mentioned explicitly. Chris and Chloe have very much dreary and ordinary looks. In contrast, Nola was stunningly and sensually beautiful [ Podhumdaa. :) ].
The movie starts with an explanation of what a MP is with respect to Tennis. This fantastic definition is mixed with luck and explained in some part of the film.
Chris role was done fantastically with the hesitations, desire, passion, risk [ machaan fiancee-nga ! ]. Credit goes to the casting decisions.
Nola.. She symbolises danger and problem in the movie [ with the enormous beauty as her visiting card ]. Her performance was noteworthy to mention [ Pinna summavaa ;) ].
Towards the end, the story trembles and again comes back on track. The ending was good, especially.
Conclusion :
I recommend the usual Woody movies first and then this MP so as to understand the diversity.
Film Trivia :
"The Shining" was the fist movie [ directed by Stanley Kuberick ] to use Steadicam. I consider this movie as the mother of horror movies.
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